Hornet 0 - Jessie 1 and a Cat Skeleton morning...

5:40am.. enters The Hornet (worthy of capital and bold) on steroids.   After the massive sting in my bathroom at 5am a few weeks ago, there is no sympathy from this devil.   Sadly my hornet spray is long gone and the bug racket must have been hidden by the scorpions that keep coming in the kitchen...    After a pathetic attempt to clean the hornet to death, hurl a half broken shoe with bad aim, cheer a pitbull hopelessly flailing in the air and a lot of screams as well....the Vietnamese broom scores.   Hornet 0 - Jessie 1.  

Wide the fuck awake, I pack 6 kids in the not-so-fancy-functional black SUV required of all bus stop moms.   Make it with a minute to spare and Mr. Reggie (bus driver) tells me the school bought Mila a car seat.   Baffled and confused, I ask "Why, I don't even have one for her?"    "Ms. Jessie it's the law, legally she has to be 4."   (Blank stare.)   Good to know.   #momoftheyear

So as my morning was going to be a hot rush back to the farm to take care of the horses, build a website and get and hour away for 2:00 doctors/dentist appointments....I decide it is the right time to go into Home Depot for a lightbulb.

  Which of course anyone with half a clue, knows you never go into the orange store for one thing.   Quickly find out they don't have RV bulbs but get innocently distracted by the plethora of Halloween decor on my way to get hornet spray.    As I imagine the setup I could build around a 1200 acre farm and really want to scare the hell out of Nat one night, I also realize I don't have a dime to my name.   So, as a compromise between my adult and child self, I purchase the $18 skeleton cat.  

I flew home annoyed my tardiness and the ease in which I revert back to a 10 year old, but turn up Spotify, thankful for my BEATS speakers in my Chrystler-knows-what's-important whip and Nom de Strip, "Bad Things"  comes on.....the irony was epic.  Cat skeleton selfie was a must. 

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Bar Keepers Friend,  great household cleaner...not good hornet killer.    Just FYI.

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