Greatness is everywhere if you look...

Tuesday morning, 5:30 "Sun is Shining" alarm plays...a beautiful way to wake up and keep the team moving to get ready for is so powerful.   Just as we are heading out the door, I smell dog poo....there is a big pile on Mila's carpet.   Gagging, I throw the carpet outside while Senna laughs at me knowing my Poo-phobia and having just read my recent  "Everybody Poops"  joke gift from Pat.   (he always makes me smile)

It is so foggy out.   We jump in the car and head to the bus, I realize I forgot my phone but figure I know the way there and back by now so all is well.   Sen has been challenging lately, seems I am getting upset with her behavior more than I would like.   I'm kind of sad because I wanted to talk with her more before I headed out of town that afternoon.    Anyway, we are talking about the bracelets I made for them and I realize I don't know where I am and have missed a turn.   There are about 10 turns on the way to the bus all through the hills of Georgia and I start to panic.    I probably had about a 2 minute window to spare before I would be late for the bus and I don't have a phone to call the bus driver, nor to use for a GPS.   My car navigation won't work since I don't know the address and can't think of any road nearby...we almost run into a mailbox and back into a ditch turning around in the dark fog.   The clock is ticking and I am starting to lose it.  

I get to a stop light, the girls are nervous since I'm clearly on edge and I get the navigation to work and it is 8 minutes to the bus (it is 6:53).  I fly.   I hit every light.   I pull in as the bus is pulling out.   

Sen makes some insulting comment and I bite my tongue as I get on 75 to drive the 40 minutes North to school knowing I have to turn around and drive back home before driving South to Ocala.   I break down and start crying, telling her how I try so hard to do the best for them and I am a single mother most of the time and some appreciation and helpfulness would go a long way.   

She is silent.  I am in tears.   Mila says "I Love You Mama".  

I decide this can be a shit way to start the day or I can find the good.   We drive to school (which required a detour by Mom's house since that is the only way I know how to get to the school) and I start flipping through the 90s station on the radio.  

Spin Doctors comes on..."Little Miss Can't Be Wrong"...   I start to laugh and tell Sen it's her song as I dance down the road.   She cracks a smile and we are all laughing and the air immediately turns lighter.   The 3 of us walk into school holding hands and still giggling.   

I use the school phone (yes, it had a cord) to call Mom (only number I know) and get the address of the errand I needed to run on the way back.   Hopping in the car, smiling at the comical part of the adventure and I cruise out listening to old tunes.   

I look over and the sun is blazing a bright orange circle over the buildings.   The fog is being lifted and the dew is twinkling.  The colors are so bright.   Flowers budding.   The brilliant green of spring showing through.   I smile thinking of Pat and how lucky I am to have such an amazing person in my life...I smile from the heart of a mom with two ladies that mean so much to me.   

I then, was SO FUCKING GRATEFUL to miss that turn, to miss the bus and get to spend an uninterrupted hour with the girls and another hour with nothing but me, some random music and a beautiful view of the world.   

I needed that.