Halloween 2017, the photo with a story....

As we meet up in Chattanooga for some door to door candy begging, the token group photo is required before the kids disperse and Sebastian inevitably gets lost.... a quick shot which seemed to have captured a moment that perfectly describes each of our adored PITAs.  It is not that the iPhone has better resolution than most SLR cameras and comes with programs to do any and every kind of digital editing imaginable. It is raw, unedited, perfect timing of a moment that made a photo with a thousand words....the chosen costumes, the facial expressions, the positions and the arrangement all the kids, tell their own story...

My Interpretation:

I cannot help but zoom in on the bright faced, hyper-innocent, adorably sweet, over-concerned, borderline dorky Dorothy (Senna) in the front....it is her...kind and loving, a girl to the core, a worrier, an old deep beautiful soul that vies for dressing up, singing and having all eyes on her....quickly you notice who has her back....the mischievous smile, tongue out, incredibly agile, strong and savvy Catwoman (Sterling)....it is her...street smart, tougher than her brothers, the care-taker, athletic, sneaky and funny as shit...not far beside is the smirking, gleaming dancer, plotting her next move, the one sock on (because why not),  white swan or Catgirl-in-training, Angel (Mila) ...it is her...youngest but wise beyond her years, a free spirit with an amazing sense of humor - living, laughing, loving and learning how to navigate the real world in style close to her mentor...

(not that I think it should always be ladies first, but the eyes go to those that don't have masks on)

Next is the creeper, the one who never looks the same direction as the others, smooth and cool, hiding behind the scary face, Grim Reaper (Axel).....it is him...independent, beautiful soul with a tough mask, breaker of the rules, follower of the heart, wild and untamed...front and almost center with props in-hand and full-on in action, larger than life colorful costume is the Halo character (Sebastian)...it is him...living in the moment, embracing the role, always in character, expressive, feeling the energy, carefree and notable....last but definitely not least, is the stoic, poised, watching the rest of the crew from his place in the photo, Mummy (Phineas)...it is him....smart, quiet, respectful, looking over the others as the oldest, the beautiful mind wrapped in his thoughts and his feelings....

Halloween 2017.jpg